Brand Identity
Logo Design

Project Summary
Leandor is an abstract Logo Design. Drawing from the Greek meaning lion man, this project uniquely integrates the lion's mane to mimic a speedometer, symbolizing speed and referencing the world of cars. This innovative design encapsulates the brand's essence: speed, sophistication, and the thrill of the road.

Leandor's Early Stages
Starting with basic shapes to suggest a lion's silhouette, I aimed to abstract its features while linking to the automotive theme. After experimenting, the breakthrough occurred: merging the lion's mane with a speedometer. This integration captured Leandor's essence, blending the lion's image with the dynamic nature of speed.
Leandor Final
The logo effortlessly blends abstraction with a clear connection to sports cars. By incorporating a speedometer-like shape and downward triangles, it alludes to both a lion and a speedometer. The red and black color scheme reinforces the brand's message of prestigious sport cars. Sharp-edged typography complements the design, while an abstract pattern, derived from the lion symbol, adds visual interest.
Leandor Ad Campaign
The ads cleverly leverage the lion concept, evoking strength and pride while delivering the brand's message. Targeting consumers seeking a sports car for prestige, they employ wordplay to connect the brand's identity to its meaning. Consistent use of red and typography from the logo ensures campaign cohesion, amplifying brand recognition and recall.
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